Why should we have church-based mediation training
This mediation training is formulated to respond to two important concerns:
- Executing the will of God as expressed in the scriptures and especially in 1st Corinthians 6:1-8
- To respond to the changes in our law that are in the process of being put into effect requiring that all civil and family disputes be subjected to ADR mechanisms (which includes Mediation) before being subjected to litigation and the requirement in Section 64 of the Marriage Act 2012 which stipulates that, ‘parties to a Christian Marriage may seek the services of any reconciliation bodies established for that purpose that may exist in the public place of worship where the marriage was celebrated.
- The Scripture
- Changes in the Law
In furtherance of this objective of the Constitution, the Civil Procedure Act has been amended to provide in Section 59 that all Civil disputes which include family disputes i.e. Disputes between and amongst members of a family be they matrimonial or succession and all civil disputes between parties shall first be subjected to a process of resolution by Mediation.
The court has mandated compulsory Mediation of all civil and matrimonial disputes
and is
requiring that disputes be
mediated instead of being heard in court. Mediators have been or are being
for this purpose.
What this means is that cases filed in the Civil and Family divisions in the High
and in the courts subordinate to
the High Court will be required to file with the plaint a certificate that the case
been subjected to mediation and
where the mediation has not succeeded the reasons for the failure.
In order to sustain this project the Judiciary requires to have at its disposal a
of trained mediators to create
a resource to whom disputes can go for Mediation.
That is where our church comes in. Other churches and Muslims are in the process of
training their people in the skills
of Mediation so that when the Judiciary calls for Mediators to go into the Mediation
Roster, they will be well
represented so that their followers will have people of their faith amongst the
Mediators and do not have to send their
disputes to resolution by people of other faiths and denominations.
The Marriage Act 2012 also requires that matrimonial disputes arising between those
married in Church should be
reconciled in the Churches where they were celebrated. Section 64 thereof provides
“The parties to a marriage celebrated under Part III (Christian Marriages) may seek
services of any reconciliation
bodies established for that purpose that may exist in the public place of worship
the marriage was celebrated.”
This is a further reason for embracing mediation as a mechanism to help our Pastors
reconciling the disputes arising
in marriages that have been celebrated in their churches.
The above provides a full justification for institutionalizing Mediation as the
preferred mechanism for resolving
disputes arising among the congregants.
Apart from the above legal and scriptural justification, we consider that disputes
amongst family members, wife vs.
husband, father vs. son or daughter, brother vs sister and all succession disputes
best resolved through mediation.
Such disputes when submitted to the courts for resolution often result to the
destruction of the family bonds. The
paternal or filial relationship is destroyed and family unity is lost whatever the
outcome. The stability of the family
is therefore lost or severely injured.
It is therefore far more preferable that those kinds of disputes be resolved
than through the courts.
Mediation is therefore a much more preferable mechanism for resolving those disputes
because it relies on the parties to
find out a resolution of the dispute which they can live with. It is cheaper and
than litigation or arbitration
and now that it can result in a legally enforceable outcome it is preferred to the
system (litigation).
What can the church do?
In our view, the church can do a number of things:-
Firstly, the Church should start by championing the course i.e. By advocating the
use of
mediation or other ADR
mechanisms instead of the Law Courts in resolving disputes amongst its members.
Secondly, the church should undertake the process of providing an alternative
for resolving these disputes.
This will call for the church institutionalizing a mediation mechanism, by training
assisting in the training of
Mediators from amongst the congregants in the various Presbyteries of the church to
enrolled in a Roll of persons
willing to serve as mediators to help disputants to resolve any disputes that may
amongst them.
Who will provide the service?
Dispute & Conflict Resolution International (DCRI) is an organization that exists
the express purpose of creating a
harmonious society through mediation of existing disputes, increasing conflict
competence among people to minimize
conflicts and raising mediators in society by training people who can intervene and
support others in conflict so that
they can find their own solutions to their disputes.